There's a lot to write this I've split this into Mission and Family Life.
End of Term:
What a stressful few can't put anything off and a real challenge when you're doing for the first time. Indeed many of us were new, particularly from an administrative perspective. Contracts to write, teachers to hire, supplies to buy and - er - no money.
We've had a very generous loan from a UK church which is really helping, but summer finances are still an exercise of faith. In the last week of term I had to tell teachers that they were only going to get June and July salaries...August would have to wait. Not a terribly nice thing to tell tell teachers as they prepare to travel home for the summer.
But we made it! And had four graduations along the way for the different age groups in the school. The Secondary School graduation made it onto TV here...I had no idea. Explains the random people saying 'Congratulations' all last week. Glad I wore my brightest, pinkest socks!
But what's being done is unique and so great that it's a Christian organisation leading the way. The Secondary Graduation saw the country's FIRST students, educated to an international standard, moving on to universities!...two of whom were from one of the orphanages the school of whom will be taking up a scholarship in the US this year.
Please pray that our work here will be a witness to Burundi
Summer Work:
It took a couple of extra days...but I've finished work! Woo Hoo!!
Already stress levels are dropping, though there will be work for the summer. The admin team will be monitoring our finances and preparing houses for teachers next year.
We also, sadly, discovered a huge amount of immigration requirements for next year. Everyone of our internationally scattered teachers needs immigration packs, so those left behind have a big collation exercise ahead of them.
Please pray that the summer work will go smoothly.
Next Year:
Although I'm just finished and very worn out, we really are looking forward to next year.
So much ground work has been done this year and I have no doubt that the school will be a wonderful Christian witness, showing what is possible in this great, little country.
Staff growth and the addition of Allie's Learning Support and Pastoral teams will make such an impact next year.
Over the year I have had the opportunity to meet with various organisations interested in education in Burundi. And although the school will continue to look inwards and on how it can develop, I hope that next year will see us begin to explore developing our scope of education projects in Burundi.
Education is in such need of development here and is so vital to the future development of this country.
In other news...a few weeks ago I discovered a substantial tax liability that the school has due to the previous administrator not paying our another year of frugal living ahead of us. Not a nice thing to discover, however the government is willing to negotiate on repayment terms, not wishing the school to close.
Please pray that financial issues will be put behind soon so that we can invest in the school.
Our work here has been a challenge, but so rewarding and IS making such a difference. God has really used us and there are so many opportunities for us make changes here.
But our work relies solely in private donations. Neither the school nor Burundi could pay us to be here.
For our living costs through summer and so that we can return to Burundi, we MUST raise next year's income.
We're still short for this year so, in total, we need to raise £45,000 to see us through to next September. Our work will have to stop if we cannot secure funds.
But some have been so generous in the last year...helping both the school and us financially. THANK YOU!
So please remember us in your giving...this work is so essential!
Please pray for provision
We're back in that transition stage...moving house and preparing for big culture changes.
Allie's been a star, packing for our house move and the journey home while I've been busy at work. But a final push tomorrow will get it sorted.
Although it needs a lot of work over the summer, the new house will be such a blessing. Big enough for hosting the expat community and church groups, very close to the school and at a reasonable rate. We also managed to buy furniture from a departing German family for a very reasonable price (including a hat stand that the husband bought to put his clothes on rather than dumping them on the bedroom floor - genius). When I return we'll still need to buy mattresses, a backup power supply and a few other bits.
It's a funny time of year here. Almost everyone is cycling out at some point. Some for good - shame to lose friends. Some earlier than us - good to have them when we return. Some later than us - won't see them for 3mths. I've been doing a number of the airport runs, so it's been a strange week of goodbyes.
We're aware that being back in the UK will have it's challenges, notably the contrast in living standards and the different perspective we now have things. And this has also made me more aware of the contrasts here. We gave up so much to come here and live modestly as missionaries; yet our 'wealth', skin colour and my role thrusts us (unwillingly) into the elite. So often I get preferential treatment or deference that I neither want nor deserve. A very confusing way to live.
I've recently had the opportunity to visit some more Burundian houses and I have, if I'm honest, been surprised at how basic the living standard is of the even professional class here. Yet everyone is so well presented at'd never know. Our 4x4 is pretty average and very much a necessity, but the other day it wouldn't fit onto a colleague's drive....very embarrassing!
What's my point? I'm not sure other than life here can be very contradictory and confusing...and more acutely during these times of transition.
Please pray for us through this confusing time.
UK Plans:
A pretty busy summer ahead...visiting friends and family, going to New Wine, speaking engagements, clothes shopping, check ups, fillings, vaccinations, stocking up on sun cream.
Talk recently has been about what we're looking forward to. Personally a KFC, some Ben and Jerry's and trip to a cinema would be a good start.
Another blessing has been a missionary car service that's giving us a Ford Galaxy for 2 months at a very cheap rate. The car was freed up by a last minute cancellation....such an answer to prayer.
Keep an eye out in church newsletters for when we're visiting or drop me an email.
Please pray that the summer will be balanced and we'll get time with all the right people.
How Are We?
Shortly after we return, Allie and I have a mission debriefing course. It'll be interesting to see what that uncovers.
We love it here. The work is essential and rewarding. Our lifestyle is great. But we deal with Cholera, corruption, extreme poverty, cockroaches, powercuts, water cuts, massive inefficiencies, food shortages, fuel shortages, a lack of healthcare, too many guns, nighttime shooting, deadly snakes, rats, malaria, etc...
We are TIRED. I have never worked so hard in my life.
We have culture fatigue. Having 'muzungu' shouted at you all the time and being stared at every day gets a bit boring.
Hand washing your own pants gets REALLY boring!
And moving again is hard.
The children are doing really well, but a bit fed up now.
It'll be wonderful to get away, rest and catchup...but I reckon pretty soon we'll want to get back for Chapter 2 of the crazy adventure God has us on.
And we have a lot to look forward to. A great church, a great school, a fabulous expat community and an opportunity to really make a difference...and may be more opportunities to flash my pink socks on TV.
Please pray for our psychological and spiritual health.
See you soon and thanks for all you support so far.
God Bless,