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Friday, 8 June 2012

Mr Jeremy (Part 2)

We don’t normally blog every week, but I’ve a little time to kill before I go the airport and a whole week I haven’t blogged about.
Went to our new church on Sunday. Wonderful worship and great sermon.
After lunching  with my friend we went to her house to watch the boats on the Thames on BBC World News with some other expats. Alison had managed to get hold of some Jubilee bunting and flags and….some cakes, cheese and crackers appeared…a real treat out here.
It was great to get to know the guys better…except most of them are leaving L. A fact of life out here is that people come and people go.
Walking back was a little darker than normally advisable…but we did get to a wonderful flock(?) of bats.
Please pray for God to bless our friendships with those staying and those who we don’t know and haven’t arrived yet.
Assemblies, Stories, Budgets and Devotions
I managed to do a couple of assemblies this week to the infants and junior pupils which was lovely. Being prayed over and commissioned by small children is amazingly powerful stuff!
The variety has been wonderful too! On Wednesday I went from a budget meeting about final plans for our new building to reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ to the Nursery children.
On Thursday morning I was killing time in the staff room and heard what I assumed was an assembly in the play ground. I snatched my camera and managed to catch a minute of what turned out to be the teachers’ morning worship that had spilled out into the playground and swept up most of the Junior School.

Thank God that we are being sent to a job with such strong Christian foundations.
Parents Evening
I was unveiled at Parents’ Evening on Tuesday. I managed to launch into my talk and completely forget my interpreter; but apart from that we survived unscathed. That I will have three children of my own at the school seemed comforting the parents.
Please pray that the parents will support the school as it goes through significant changes over the next year.
Over the last two weeks I have been able to do everything I came here to do.
I’ve met all the school staff and most of the pupils. I’ve gone through the school finances and plans.
I’ve starting moving stuff into our new house and have met more friends at church.
I’ve done two working weeks and found some new running routes….and got a personal best.
I’ve had a long meeting with my new boss and regular catch ups with ARM.
I’ve had dinners with old and new friends.
I’ve ordered some bunk beds and chosen a car. (I went into a furniture store to see what was available with my administrator. The staff saw a ‘muzungu’ in a linen suit and thought that Christmas had come early. Little did they know I was a poor missionary in the making and not a diplomat)
The classes that Harry, Caspar and Felicity will go into have made cards for them to help them feel welcome and to not worry about coming over.
In short I feel really ready.
It’s just packing up in the UK that’s the hassle now…and fundraising that last 40%.
Thank God for giving us so much preparation.
Pray for God’s strength as we battle through the final few weeks in the UK.
Future Blogs
Blogging’s going to be a bit of a challenge once I’m working here. There’s so much to do in the school; but I have to discuss and develop these ideas with my management team, the staff, the parents and ARM before I can tell the whole world.
It’s really frustrating as I have so many plans and I want to tell my supporters about the work that we’re doing…but you’ll have to wait.
No doubt Allie will keep you up to date with what she’ll be doing…plus there’ll be many stories about our family settling in.
Off for a quick midday run (mad dogs and English men stuff!), then off to the airport.
God Bless,

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